Insolvency, Sequestration & Liquidation
TAKE NOTICE that the abovementioned Applicant intends making Application to this Honourable Court, on the [insert date] day of [insert month] [insert year] at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, for an order in the following terms:
- That the abovementioned respondent is hereby placed under final winding up;
- That the costs of this application be costs in the winding-up.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Affidavit of [insert name of deponent] annexed hereto, will be used in support of this Application.
TAKE NOTICE that the abovementioned Applicant intends making Application to this Honourable Court, on the [insert date] day of [insert month] [insert year] at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, for an order in the following terms:
- That the surrender of the estate of the applicant is accepted as insolvent and the estate is placed under sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court;
That the costs of the application shall be costs in the winding up.
TAKE NOTICE that the abovementioned Applicant intends making Application to this Honourable Court, on the [insert date] day of [insert month] [insert year] at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, for an order in the following terms:
- That the surrender of the estate of the applicant is accepted as insolvent and the estate is placed under sequestration in the hands of the Master of the High Court;
- That the costs of the application shall be costs in the winding up.
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the Affidavit of [insert name of deponent] annexed hereto, will be used in support of this Application.
We advise that you are in default for at least 20 business days under the credit agreement (“Credit Agreement”) in the amount of [insert amount].
In terms of the Credit Agreement, you have agreed to the principal debt, interest thereon and any monthly fees and charges, due in terms of the abovementioned Credit Agreement, being consolidated and repaid in monthly repayment amounts.
TAKE NOTICE that the abovementioned Applicant intends making Application to this Honourable Court, on the [insert date] day of [insert month and year] at 09h30 or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard, for an order in the following terms:
- That the abovementioned respondent is hereby placed under provisional winding up;
That all persons who have a legitimate interest and are called upon to put forward their reasons why this court should not order the final winding up of the respondent on [insert date] at 09h30 am or so soon thereafter as the matter may be heard;