The Gauteng Society of Advocates


The Gauteng Society of Advocates is an independent association of Advocates which was founded in 2004. 

The society is a body of professional practicing advocates in South Africa and abroad, whose members share in knowledge, professional status and friendship.

With the promulgation of the Legal Practices Act 28 of 2014, The GSA has opened the doors for a new generation of Advocates. Litigation in South Africa has changed, and it is this change which the GSA has embraced and will foster. In the wake of the ever evolving legal environment in South Africa, the society has adapted to new and exciting challenges.

The GSA is a member of the Federal Bar Council of South Africa. The Federal Bar Council of South Africa was established in 2010 and encompassed three member bar associations. Gauteng Association of Advocates, North Gauteng Association of Advocates and the Church Square Bar. The presidents of the three members bars are ex officio members of the Federal Bar Council and each member may nominate a second member from his/her bar respectively. The council also serves as a Silk committee for its member Bars.  The council has no involvement on matters of an internal nature within each society.

Through the GSA’S affiliation to the Federated Association of Advocates representing some 168 advocates, it enjoys full Status as an independent Bar of practicing advocates.

The GSA has affiliations with the International Criminal Bar. This gives our members access to International litigation   The Bar has a well organised committee, a professional code of ethics and members strive to deliver the best professional service to all who they represent without fear or favour.  Membership to the society is open to any advocate who wishes to be part of a Bar that upholds the high standard of ethics expected from our profession and would like to share in the rich knowledge and professional experience our members have.

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